Cockscomb Basin Jaguar Reserve

Tour Description

For hikers and birders alike this is hands down the number one tour in Belize. The Cockscomb Basin Wildlife Sanctuary has several established trails throughout it’s 250,000 acres of government protected pristine rainforest. There are a wide variety of jungle critters to look for including over 300 species of birds; in fact Cockscomb Basin is considered one of the best locations in Belize for birding. There are also howler monkeys, gibnuts, jaguarundi, ocelots, margay, puma, agouti, snakes, coatimundi, and of course the elusive jaguar. The jaguar is a nocturnal animal, but occasional daytime sightings have been reported.

The highest mountain in Belize, Victoria Peak, is also located in the spectacular Cockscomb mountain range which rings the Basin. There is an extensive maze of creeks and tributaries merging to feed the Stann Creek and Swasey rivers. There are several excellent swimming holes beneath picturesque waterfalls, such as Tiger Fern and Ben’s Bluff Waterfalls. This is a full day tour rated moderate to difficult and includes a stop at the Maya Center Cultural Gift Shop and Village where you can view and buy hand carved Mayan artifacts.  What to bring: hiking boots or hiking shoes (open toed sandals are not recommended), insect repellent, camera, binoculars, hat, water bottle, swimsuit, towel.

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