
Tour Description

Located 26 miles northwest of Punta Gorda, Lubaantun (“Place of the Fallen Stones”) is an enchanting Maya site with a magnificent rainforest setting and unique stonework. It was given its name by explorer Thomas Gann, but was formerly called the Rio Grande Ruins.

The largest Maya Ruin in the southern part of Belize, Lubaantun was built during the Mid-Late Classic period, situated on a hilltop 200 feet above sea level; it is constructed by the finest masonry work in the entire Maya world. The ruin is surrounded by closely fitted sandstone and limestone.

Archeologists say that the ruin was used as an administrative, religious, political and commercial center, mainly for festivities, ball games and other sacred ceremonial practices. The site is home to several burial tombs. You will be able to visit all these areas.

It was at this site that the legendary crystal skull was said to be found during an expedition in 1926 by Anna Mitchell-Hedges. The crystal skull is the shape of a human skull that was carved of pure rock crystal.

Upon arrival or departure of the ruin, stop by the visitor’s center for more information and facts on the site, the Mayans and the crystal skull. Also in the visitor’s center is a display of ceramic figurines, pottery and maps.


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